S - What a Great Audience
I had a very vivid memory the other day. A couple of mornings ago, my alarm went off at an inappropriate time, and before I could start cursing the job gods, something popped into my head. As a child, I remember watching Johnny Carson (I know. I'm old.). He would always ask the actresses (Did he ask the men? I don't recall.), "Are you dating anyone?" and all of them would roll their eyes and retort, "I don't have time to date." As a wide-eyed hairy Lebanese child, I remember thinking, "I want to be too busy to date." Well guess what, ladies and gentleman. I have manifested this goal!
Next week is my last full week of school before going into a few weeks of finals and meetings. What I'm trying to say here is that I will hopefully NOT be too busy to date after next week. Being too busy to date is overrated.
Obviously, I have not seen Fancy Face. I'm hoping to rectify this matter when I'm done stomping out ignorance. I know that we are fond of each other to a certain degree, but as we're so very casual, any date with him could be the last. This is a reminder to seize all moments.
OK, I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about this task. And apparently, I worry about you guys more than Paul. There. I said it.
Here's a video of Amy Schumer making fun of celebrity interviews. Her legs are super shiny.